Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What Color Describes Your Mood Right Now? Here's What It Says About You

Before you click through to read this post, I want you to pick a color that describes how you feel right now. Are you thinking of a color? OK, here's what scientists say it could mean about your health and happiness ...

Green with jealousy. "Seeing red" because you're angry. Color has long been associated with mood. But now a new study published in the journal MBC Medical Research Methodology adds a little more to the topic.

Of the respondents in the study, those who were happiest chose the color yellow--bright yellow--to describe their moods. (Hello sunshine!) Those who were depressed and anxious more often chose dark blue or gray. Important to note: "A light blue is not associated with a poor mood, but a dark blue is," said the lead researcher. "The shade of color is more important than the color itself." (Interesting, huh?)

I picked orange for my mood color--the color of a nice Cara Cara orange--close enough to yellow, right?

What color did you pick? And, how are you feeling today?

P.S. The exercise that helps Alanis Morissette manage her depression, and let's gripe--what's bugging you today? Oh, and need some motivation? This simple little thought could change your life!


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