Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Best Health Advice I've Heard all Week--It's Simple, Funny and Totally Applicable

I don't know about you, but sometimes I find that it's the little bits of wisdom that really sink in and have meaning for me. I mean, you can read about the "12 best superfoods for women," or the "17 germiest places in the world," or the "9 best moves to do for a slim bod," but sometimes the stuff that really ends up being meaningful and habit-changing is the small stuff, like this little sentence I heard recently from a friend ...

My pal, Frances Largeman-Roth, R.D., author of the pregnancy nutrition guide Feed the Belly, sent out a little 12-word tweet recently that stuck with me (if you're on Twitter, you should follow her, and (blushing) me too!). Here's what she said:

"Sometimes you just have to say F-it and go for a run."

OK, so maybe you don't say "F-it," maybe you say something else, but the point is, some days there seem to be a million and three reasons not to fit in fitness, so you have to do what Frances does and kick the distractions to the curb and get out there and get sweating!

This has become, more or less, my motto this past year. I'm not lying when I say that if I let me deadlines and children run the show, I'd never do a darn thing for my health--ever. Sometimes you just have to set the chaos, the whining kids, the messy house, the unfolded laundry, the bad day--aside and just get out there and get your heart rate up, in whatever fashion you enjoy!

Are you with me here?

Got some good fitness advice of your own? Share!

P.S. The little bit of advice that could help make 2010 your fittest year yet! And, why working out outdoors is so healthy. Plus, read about my current fitness obsession (I'm ga-ga for it!) ...


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