Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What Are Your Food Quirks?

Yesterday, Joanna asked a fun question on Smitten: What are your funny quirks? Hers were so cute: she sleeps diagonally and has a fear of elevators (oh, and hates coffee). I thought a fun spin on this question could be this: What are your FOOD quirks? Here are mine (don't laugh)...


*I am a foam purist, as in the foam on my tall soy latte has to be thick, rich and velvety. I get cranky when a barista slacks off on the foam and it comes out all airy and bubbly (good foam takes effort--I know, I worked at Starbucks in college).

*Bread dough. Confession: I kind of think yeast bread or pizza dough is appealing. I always want to sneak a little taste. Odd, I know! (Did you see my post on nutritional yeast?)

*I lick yogurt lids.

*I think canned pumpkin is great--with a spoon, straight out of the can.

*I'm OK with having cereal for dinner sometimes.

*Sometimes when I want something sweet, I'll have a little spoonful of honey (shhh, don't tell!)

*I just can't get into steak.

*I think lemon wedges sprinkled with a little sea salt are divine. (But, don't put one in my drink at a restaurant, please. Here's why.)

*Real whipped cream is Kryptonite to me.

There, now you know my food quirks. What are yours?


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