Friday, April 20, 2012

Lower Back Pain Causes - Sciatica Causes Investigated

An article highlighting the common causes of lower back pain and sciatica leg pain and also suggesting a cause which is very common but less well known. Right cause, right remedy.

If you wish to be free of sharp back pain or sciatica leg pain then you’ll want to learn more about the lower back pain causes and sciatica causes that are at work in the body.

When you find the right cause, the right remedy can then be implemented, until then your efforts may be wasted time and worse still, wasted money.

In this article I’ll be discussing some of the most commonly cited lower back pain causes and sciatica causes which are often used to explain the unfortunate predicament that most chronic back pain sufferers find themselves in.

It is wise to note at the beginning of this discussion that back pain is a symptom. The word ‘symptom’ means an outward cause indicating the presence of a dis-ease. That is all pain is, a sign that there is a lack of harmony somewhere in the body or mind, a dis-ease.

Lower back pain causes and sciatica causes are the underlying problems which result in back pain, these need to be diagnosed correctly to be treated effectively.

Many back pain remedies concentrate on just relieving back pain, the symptoms, with painkillers or steroid injections etc without trying to treat the real cause of the pain which I shall discuss below.

Lower Back Pain Causes and Sciatica Causes

(1) One of the most common lower back pain causes are severe muscle cramps and strains in the back, especially of ligaments. This can include tendons too which also become strained due to tight cramped muscles.

Muscle cramps are caused by simple, mild, albeit painful oxygen deprivation. When blood circulation to the spinal area is restricted there is less blood and less oxygen available to cells.

Cells rely on oxygen to function properly and waste products also start building up such as lactic acid if there is a lack of circulation which carries the waste products away.

Painful cramps can become severely painful quite quickly in the spinal area which is at work 100% of the time( even when we are lying down our spinal discs are under 25% pressure in the spine).

As well as restricted blood circulation, common causes of back muscle cramps also include carrying or lifting heavy loads and poor postural habits and movements. This is supposed to put strain on the muscles and ‘pull’ them out of alignment.

(2) Regarding sciatica leg pain the most common causes blamed for this type of pain are herniated or bulging discs. Bulging discs in the back occur when the gel like substance in the vertebral disc has been ‘squeezed out’ of the disc into the spinal cord which consists of the sciatic nerve passage.

This bulging of the gel like disc substance is meant to impinge the spinal sciatic nerve canal and cause pain.

One chiropractor told me that if a dye was placed in the spine to follow the path of pain, it would colour a very large area of the spine and the legs to show how far the pain radiates outwards from the suspect disc.

These suspect, herniated and ruptured discs are often operated on and removed or cut away. Alternatively, less bulging discs are ‘manipulated’ quite often by chiropractors. Studies have shown though that many people have bulging discs and have no back pain at all, I have two.

(3) Another common lower back pain cause cited is spondylosis. This is a narrowing of space between vertebrae. As we age the spine loses it’s cushioning effect and a consequence of this lack of cushioning along with inflammation and possible infection is pain. The back is weakened by this degeneration in cushioning vertebral discs and more vulnerable to sciatic nerve and spinal joint pain.

(4) In older people a further common cause cited for back and nerve pain is blamed on spinal stenosis. This is a narrowing of the spinal cord itself through bone spurs through which the sciatic nerve passes. This is said to compress the nerve with the result being considerable back pain. Basically the bones are rubbing against each other and causing pain. The results are pain, inflammation, loss of flexibility and stiffness.

(5) Loss of bone density in osteoporosis and also cases of arthritis are further common causes of back pain cited by the medical and back pain profession.

Bad backs are big business and there is no shortage of information on the web with regard to lower back pain causes and sciatica causes.

Now that you know more about the most commonly cited causes of back pain your mind may be opened to another, less well known but very common cause as well.

Indeed, this cause may be the nail in the coffin of your own back pain problems. It’s always worth keeping an open mind on back pain causes as, ‘fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions.’ (GK Chesterton) and some of the causes listed above though showing up on MRI scans may not be the ACTUAL lower back pain cause or sciatica cause!

There is a theory that links a certain kind of buried tension to back muscle and nerve pain. This theory is fascinating to read about and has a real curative function. This remedy is based on emotional awareness and healing and has saved thousands from chronic pain in their backs!

If we do not obtain the correct cause for our back pain then the correct remedy cannot be applied for full, long term back pain freedom. The right diagnosis logically brings with it the right remedy.

For more information on this fascinating back pain remedy it’s highlighted in a popular blog which details a back pain sufferer’s journey to freedom. Part one of the journey can be found at Lower Back Pain Blog Freedom-Part One.


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