Thursday, March 22, 2012

Dear Nia Vardalos, I Think You're Pretty Much Fabulous

I loved her in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding," and I can't wait to see her new flick, "My Life In Ruins." But Nia Vardalos is way more than a great actress and writer, I think she's a great role model. I loved what she had to say recently about weight and the big fat sexist double standard...


Here's what Nia had to say recently while guest blogging on

On her weight loss: "It's just weight. Just 40 pounds of fat now gone from my body, but wow, it's pretty much all I get asked about. In the last year, I got to star in a movie, wrote and directed my next one, and adopted a three year old from American Foster Care. But guess what I'm did I lose the weight?"

On starring in a leading role with "average girl" looks: "On the publicity tour of 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding,' I was asked over and over again, if, as the writer, I felt it was a fair depiction of real life to have someone of my er, below average looks, hook up with hottie John Corbett. It's been years, and I have sat through many a movie like 'Sideways,' where nobody blinks an eye when Paul Giamatti gets together with gorgeous Virginia Madsen. And, then 'Knocked Up'..." She adds that there's a "double standard for women. Whatever, yawn, we all know it, perpetuate it. ...Socially, the issue of men's weight is simply not a big deal. Let's face it: Russell Crowe is fat and no one ever talks about it. Alec Baldwin just orders his suits a size bigger and we continue to swoon." (P.S. Have you ever had a "fat day"?)

On how she lost 40 pounds: "It was really hard, but I did it through exercise, and it took a year."

On being called "fat": "Hey, just say fat. I love the word fat. I used it in the title. It's actually not a naughty word. We give it a power it actually doesn't have. So, you're fat. Big deal." (Read about whether Vitamin G readers think fat is a bad word or not.)

Don't you just love the woman?


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