Monday, January 23, 2012

Cellulite Removal Cost

Cellulite removal cost totally dependents on the treatment method chosen to reshape the skin affected with fatty deposits. To know more about how much does cellulite removal cost, read on...

The term 'cellulite' needs no explanation to anyone, even though some individuals may choose to ignore this problem that gives a bumpy look to the thighs, buttocks and the stomach. Contrary to the belief, cellulite are not just fat deposits but a combination of fat and waste matter (body fluids). This lumpy matter (cellulite) commonly develops in women who are in the age group of 30-40. Leading a sedentary lifestyle and hormonal imbalance are some of the reasons behind formation of cellulite. Even though people are aware of cellulite reduction treatments, many are ignorant about the cost associated with them. People on a tight budget cannot afford a treatment that demands a high cellulite removal cost and so often go for inexpensive remedies that generally involve use of topical products.

Cost of Removing Cellulite

How expensive is cellulite treatment? Cellulite removal cost is chiefly dependent on what treatment method you adopt to get rid of those fatty deposits. Depending upon the amount of cellulite accumulated, the doctor will suggest a method that provides the best results as well as suits your budget. Cellulite removal treatment cost is discussed below:


In this procedure, injections are used to infuse a solution into the areas showing cellulite development. The solution is a combination of minerals, vitamins and other medication that improve blood circulation in the target area, thereby dispersing the fat build up. This in turn helps to restore natural shape of the affected area. To attend a session of mesotherapy, you may have to fork out anywhere in the range from $250 and $450, but the cost can increase up to $600. In every session just one area of the body is injected with the solution. For multiple areas the cost will increase accordingly. After evaluating the amount of excess fat build up, the doctor may advise number of mesotherapy sessions (usually 4-5) which you may have to undergo to remove cellulite completely.


Endermologie cellulite treatment involves using a massage machine that is equipped with built-in suction action. The massaging action is done by the two rollers attached to the machine while the suction employed, at the same time, tries to decrease the volume of accumulated fluids in the underlying tissue. With reduction of edema (accumulated fluids), blood flow in the cellulite region increases, thus helping to reduce the appearance of lumpy skin. As compared to mesotherapy, a session of endermologie for a particular area is certainly cheap as the cost is around $90. Generally 11-14 sessions are required for satisfactory results and so the total cellulite removal cost may go up to approximately $2,000.

Laser Therapy

In this procedure, laser diodes are the source of emission that penetrate the superficial skin to reach the underlying tissues. This action is followed by a suction massage that together help to increase blood flow and stimulate collagen production. This in turn encourages lymphatic drainage, thereby reducing cellulite naturally. If you use Tri-Active Laser technology, your total expenditure for cellulite removal may amount to $1,500. This is because for each session, you may have to spend around $100-150, and generally 10-15 visits to the doctor are necessary to completely eliminate those fat deposits.

Cellulite Creams

Use of cellulite creams can cut down your cellulite removal cost substantially. The reason is simple; Purchasing these creams won't make a deep hole into your pocket as their cost is around $40-80. Although cellulite creams are cheap, this anti-cellulite treatment works only when the right topical product is chosen. It is necessary to apply these creams daily and one may notice positive results within 4 weeks. Some of the popular celllulite creams that are considered to be reliable and effective in removing cellulite are given below:




Upon application, the anti-cellulite ingredients of these products have proven to minimize the appearance of cellulite. Removing cellulite dimples has never been so easy before, thanks to the fat dissolving ingredients contained in these creams. Their use on a regular basis may not only get rid of this 'fat waste matter' but may also prevent cellulite from forming again.

For best results, while undergoing the recommended treatment, one should also continue doing cellulite removal exercises. This can also play a crucial role in reducing the number of sessions necessary to remove cellulite. So, if you want to decrease total cellulite removal cost, make sure to incorporate exercises to get rid of cellulite at the earliest.


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