4 Undeniable Signs That Your Marriage Is Over
Things haven't been so great between you and your hubby lately…well, let's face it…it's bad. Being that you took vows to stay together for better or worse / 'til death do you part, you may be wondering if this is just a rough patch or if it is really and truly over.
Presiding judge on television's, Divorce Court (and a Hybrid Mom), Judge Lynn Toler, gives you four tell-tale signs that your marriage has undeniably run its course.
1. 1. When a couple begins to live around one another as opposed to with one another. They are completely disengaged.
2. 2. There are no more small issues. Every little disagreement sparks an all out war.
3. 3. You never argue about issues anymore, all disagreements end in personal attack.
4. 4. Someone has ‘checked out.’ Their life is lived elsewhere and their sense of satisfaction comes exclusively from things outside the marriage.
While these signs do point towards divorce, that does not mean you have to go there. You most likely did not enter into this marriage lightly, so you should not exit that way either. Before making any hasty decisions or regrettable moves that may or may not be able to be undone, it is best to seek couples counseling or other professional advice.
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