I sometimes refer to it as my own little tail. Most times it doesn’t really bother me but when the pain hits, it hits really hard. I remember one time I felt like I had a prickly pineapple between my buns. I couldn’t wear pants because it just makes things worse.
Another unbearable episode would be doing your daily movement. I feel like I’m literally giving birth again but through another canal. You can’t imagine the anxiety I had or the fear I was feeling because it feels like I have ruptured a vein or something.
Surgery was out of the question. Aside from the expense, I’m just too chicken to lie down on an operating room table and go through such a humiliating operation.
Desperate for a cure, I summoned the guts to ask a local pharmacist about a “natural” cure, preferably something I can just drink or apply on it. He listed down a few options and I said I’ll look into each one before purchasing. I did look at each one but I was most intrigued by the site of Neo Healar. I decided to copy freely from the website the portions that caught my interest then insert my own comments (in italics) after so that I can explain to you the features I liked best. Here goes.
How does Neo Healar work?
According to its website, Neo Healar hemorrhoid treatment cream works on a unique three-pronged principle to treat hemorrhoids:
* Soothe: The “cooling sensation and soothing effect to calm inflamed tissues immediately upon contact” sounded just what I need. It promises to instantly relieve pain as well as reduce swelling rapidly with no skin irritation. This is really sounding very nice to me.
* Heal: According to the website, Neo Healar has effective anti-inflammatory, astringent and antiseptic medical properties to accelerate the anal skin healing process. It also helps to restore dilated and inflamed veins to their normal condition. Based on the experiences of others who have used it, this seems like a very good ointment for the malady that afflicts me.
* Repair: “Neo Healar will improve blood flow to the ano-rectal area and for repair of damaged tissues. It contains emollient properties that keep bowel movement moist and stimulate rapid granulation and formation of new tissues.” This seems like the solution to the painful delivery I have to go through each and every day. It is just traumatizing.
Why use Neo Healar when there are other prescription and over the counter drugs?
Neo Healar is uniquely formulated with four natural herbs. It is 100% natural and contains no drugs unlike other products in your drugstore. It is a very effective hemorrhoid treatment formula with a success rate of 93.7%, compared to 55% to70% in other products.
And most importantly, Neo Healar is designed to treat all stages of hemorrhoids completely, from just mild hemorrhoid symptoms to serious anal fissures where surgery is usually inevitable.
Two things won me over, “100% natural” and “designed to treat all stages of hemorrhoids completely”. Honestly, I don’t know what stage my hemorrhoid is. I have not consulted a doctor about it because I feel too ashamed to have somebody looking at me back there and too afraid that all he’ll tell me is that I need surgery. Neo Healar promises a success rate of 93.7%. I think I’ll take my chances with it first before submitting myself to any invasive medical procedure.
How soon can I see results?
Most people will experience instant relief by using Neo Healar. After just a few days, bleeding, pain, irritation, discharge will start to go away and the hemorrhoids will shrink in size. This healing process will continue and it will take you anywhere from 2 to 5 weeks to cure your hemorrhoids completely.
2-5 weeks is a short period of time to get relief from something I have suffered from for years. As long as it can guarantee to cure my hemorrhoids completely, I’m all or it.
How does your guarantee work?
We offer a 120 days no questions asked money-back guarantee. If you are not happy with Neo Healar hemorrhoid treatment for whatever reasons, you can return to us for a full refund (less shipping and handling).
Now what can be a better guarantee than a no-questions-asked-money-back guarantee? I’m sure if they do not have complete faith in their product they would not offer such a guarantee because it could potentially cause them to lose a lot of money.
I don’t know about you but if you are not convinced by the features that won me over, I don’t know what will. All I know is I’ve ordered it and can’t wait to get my 5-week supply of Neo Healar and start getting rid of my painful hemorrhoids.
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