The latest word in weight loss? Germs. A new study that's getting a lot of buzz points out that germs may play a role in weight gain. Grab your hand sanitizer and read on ...
Surprising research news: Scientists from Emory University in Atlanta who published a study in the journal Science, say that certain bacteria could play a role in the obesity epidemic.
Their study of mice found that specific bacteria that may cause gut inflammation may also increase appetite and possibly play a role in weight gain. Put simply, certain germs may make you hungry, the scientists say.
"Previous research has suggested that bacteria can influence how well energy is absorbed from food, but these findings demonstrate that intestinal bacteria can actually influence appetite," the lead researcher said to Reuters Health.
The average person carries about 5 pounds of bacteria in their gut. A little gross-sounding, yes, but it's all normal. At the center of this research is the question of whether obese people have greater numbers of unhealthy bacteria living in their gut, and whether antibiotics, even probiotics, could help re-balance the bacteria load.
The researchers aren't prepared to make a call either way, but some say it's an interesting first step in possible new treatments for obesity.
Kind of interesting, huh?
P.S. More germ news: Why it's a good idea to toss your old makeup (a really good idea), and could cancer-causing substances be creeping into your home via your shoes? And, sorry gals, but here are some gross facts about soda fountains ...
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